=====Etherpad server===== Realtime document collaboration. ====Installation==== ===preparation=== Requirements: * one Ubuntu 10.04 or a Debian 6 (squeeze) system Software: * sun-java6-jdk 1.6 ===place software=== Extra repository: # etherpad.org: deb http://etherpad.org/apt all . deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner Install preps: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk apt-get install scala mysql-server Install: apt-get install etherpad ===config=== Post-config: * Edit /usr/share/etherpad/etherpad/bin/run-local.sh and lower the memory setting. .. #MXRAM="1G" MXRAM="256M" .. Showtime: /etc/init.d/etherpad start Go with your browser to (dns-name required): http://yourserver.yourdomain.com:9000/ ====Refs==== * http://mclear.co.uk/2010/03/10/installing-etherpad-on-debian/ * http://sis.bthstudent.se/2011/525/how-to-install-etherpad-on-debian-lenny/