=====Dovecot IMAP-server (mail-store)===== This howto is based on Debian-8. Design assumptions. * the dovecot system is used as a blackbox, where only administrators have (shell) access. * dovecote data and config files are owned by dovecot:dovecot. * the system is in a secure (dmz) network (ie. only port 993 is exposed to the public network. The lmtp and sievemanage ports are firewalled). * mail delivery from the MTA should be done by LMTP. * the application configuration is designed to be used as a microservice in a container (for example Docker). All variable-data and config-stuff is consolidated in /var/dovecot (which can be used as the persistent-storage volume). * Imap users+passwords are in a file (i.e. no LDAP) and separated from operatingsystem users. * the Sieve filterrules are created on a separate system (for example with roundcube) and pushed over the network. ====Installation==== Requirements: * Debian-8 * ssl/tls stuff (CA.cert , Site.cert , Site.key ) Software: apt-get install dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd dovecot-sieve dovecot-managesieved The consolidated storage: mkdir /var/dovecot/ mkdir /var/dovecot/mail mkdir /var/dovecot/sieve mkdir /var/dovecot/conf # mv /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.DIST ln -s /var/dovecot/conf/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # touch /var/dovecot/conf/dovecot.conf touch /var/dovecot/conf/users # chown -R dovecot:dovecot /var/dovecot ===Imap-users=== The IMAP-users are created by adding a line in the users file. It has two columns, separated by a colon. The first column is the username, the second line contans the sha512-crypt which can be generated by executing: doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT The result in /var/dovecot/conf/users will be: ... fred:{SHA512-CRYPT}$6$13gufAq3aelU5/mi$o6ocrfdZBwrZavSmd3XJLzmJChihhnfW3ibz6qfqbinKpi59Eblfsw/vYAM63L5Huu2BFZw3VSDaEPioUN.ki1 ... ====Configuration==== All configuration is in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # Dovecot version 2.2.13 # Debian-8.2 (x86_64) log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log mail_location = maildir:/var/dovecot/data/%n/mail auth_mechanisms = plain login disable_plaintext_auth = no ssl_ca = ====Literature==== http://wiki2.dovecot.org/ =====Cyrus IMAP-server (mail-store)===== Below a configuration with the config and user-info in files on the system. ====Installation==== apt-get install cyrus-admin-2.4 cyrus-common-2.4 cyrus-clients-2.4 cyrus-doc-2.4 cyrus-imapd-2.4 sasl2-bin libcyrus-imap-perl24 libsasl2-modules Extra stuff: apt-get install postfix binutils xfsprogs ====Configuration==== The configuration below, creates an IMAP-server with listener on port 143 and 993. The 143 is configured to do only TLS (allowplaintext: 0). For debugging, this can be set to 'yes'. /etc/default/saslauthd START=yes DESC="SASL Authentication Daemon" NAME="saslauthd" MECHANISMS="sasldb" MECH_OPTIONS="" THREADS=5 OPTIONS="-c -m /var/run/saslauthd" /etc/cyrus.conf START { recover cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus ctl_cyrusdb -r" delprune cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -E 3" tlsprune cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus tls_prune" } SERVICES { imap cmd="imapd -U 30" listen="imap" prefork=0 maxchild=100 imaps cmd="imapd -s -U 30" listen="imaps" prefork=0 maxchild=100 lmtp cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="" prefork=0 maxchild=20 sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="localhost:sieve" prefork=0 maxchild=100 notify cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/run/cyrus/socket/notify" proto="udp" prefork=1 } EVENTS { checkpoint cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30 delprune cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -E 3" at=0401 tlsprune cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus tls_prune" at=0401 } /etc/imapd.conf configdirectory: /var/lib/cyrus proc_path: /run/cyrus/proc mboxname_lockpath: /run/cyrus/lock defaultpartition: default partition-default: /var/spool/cyrus/mail partition-news: /var/spool/cyrus/news newsspool: /var/spool/news altnamespace: no unixhierarchysep: no lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes admins: cyrus allowanonymouslogin: no popminpoll: 1 autocreatequota: 0 umask: 077 sieveusehomedir: false sievedir: /var/spool/sieve hashimapspool: true allowplaintext: 0 sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd sasl_auto_transition: no tls_cert_file: /etc/cyrus/ssl/imap.example.com_pub-key-cert.pem tls_key_file: /etc/cyrus/ssl/imap.example.com_priv-key.pem tls_ca_file: /etc/cyrus/ssl/ExamplecomCA_pub-key-ca-cert.pem tls_ca_path: /etc/ssl/certs tls_session_timeout: 1440 tls_cipher_list: TLSv1+HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH lmtpsocket: idlesocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/idle notifysocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/notify syslog_prefix: cyrus Note: make sure the imap-cert, imap-key and CA-cert files are readable for the operatingsystem-user cyrus. Create imap-users with: saslpasswd2 -c cyrus Check the useraccountlist with: sasldblistusers2 And create mailboxes with: su - cyrus cyradm localhost cm user.cyrus quit exit