======A set of tools and applications for the pico enterprise====== Below a description of useful applications for a pico-enterprise. The configurations are for very small organisations with only a few users. Larger organisations with more than a few users should use an LDAP-database. See the Hannibal namespace for a set of configurations built around an LDAP-userdatabase. =====Core modules===== * storage: [[fileserver|fileserver]] (samba/nfs). * e-mail: [[mta|mail-transfer-agent (mta)]] + [[mailstore|mailstore]]. * [[calendar-server|calendar- and addressbook-server]] for caldav carddav. * [[xmpp|XMPP-server]], chat, presence, ZRTP-secured (video)-calling, file transfer. * SIP-VoIP telephony-server. * webaccess roadwarrior: [[roundcube|Roundcube-webmail]], CalDavZap-webcalendar, CardDavMate-webcontacts. * fullaccess roadwarrior: [[openvpn|OpenVPN-server]]. =====Beta===== * OwnCloud-server. * calendar + addressbook. =====Help the internet===== * build an [[email-rbl|RBL-service]]