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hannibal:openvpn [2008/11/01 10:48]
Olivier Brugman
hannibal:openvpn [2011/02/25 23:32] (current)
Luc Nieland procps
Line 47: Line 47:
 Activate this option by running: Activate this option by running:
-  /​etc/​init.d/​ restart+  /​etc/​init.d/​procps restart
 After you'll have created your certficates you can start the Openvpn server. Netstat should show a listener on UDP port 1194. Also check the file /​var/​log/​daemon.log After you'll have created your certficates you can start the Openvpn server. Netstat should show a listener on UDP port 1194. Also check the file /​var/​log/​daemon.log
hannibal/openvpn.1225532934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/01 10:48 by Olivier Brugman