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start [2008/04/22 18:55]
AdmLuc created
start [2016/04/21 16:18] (current)
Luc Nieland
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 +  *[[hannibal:​start|Hannibal]] 
 +  *[[picoenterprise:​start|PicoEnterprise]] 
 +  *[[misc:​start|Miscellaneous]]
 +======Hannibal infrastructure======
 +A blueprint for an open source, identity managed, unix based office-automation and business infrastructure.
 +The Hannibal is an architecture and documentation project. It consists of a carefully selected set of open source programs, which, put together and configured in the right way, can harmoniously form a very useful package of service for you or your organisation.
 +The Hannibal system-stack provides file/​print/​e-mail/​web/​etc. functionality with a single source of sign-on. It does this for all types of workstations (GNU/Linux, Apple MacOSX and Microsoft Windows). The fileserver offers the SMB/CIFS protocol using Samba, NFS, FTP and WebDAV. The mailserver provides SMTP/​LMTP-services based on Postfix. Server-side mail filtering is available via Sieve. Virus and spam control is done by Amavis, Spamassassin and Clamav. Users can use their preferred mail-client like Mozilla-Thunderbird or Apple Mail to access their mailboxes via IMAP on the Cyrus-IMAP server. Hannibal also provides a webmail solution by means of Squirrelmail. The webserver provides HTTP via Apache (including HTTP-authentication and WebDAV folders). Most important, all authentication of this is done against a centralized LDAP environment (based on the Fedora Directory Server). The operating system we use is a genuine Debian GNU/Linux system.
 +In a oneliner; all you need for your office automation and business infrastructure.
 +The best of it is that this is all done with open standards and open source software. No worries about vendor lock-in scenario'​s from suppliers or whatsoever.
 +Buy yourself an implementation and subsequent maintenance support from one of the certified Hannibal-system-stack partners, or build it with your own IT-staff. The choice is yours, experienced staff is more than useful, the technology is full-disclosure. Thanks to all open source developers!
 +Below is the outline of the Hannibal infrastructure. Each item represents a separate module. Normally each module corresponds with one physical server. As an alternative virtualization like Xen, KVM or User-mode-linux can be used. For instance, our laboratory is only one big physical machine that runs Xen. Some of our own considerations and documentation regarding Xen are available at [[xen:​start|the Xen section of this wiki]].
start.1208883354.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/04/22 18:55 by AdmLuc