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start [2008/07/30 17:06]
Luc Nieland
start [2016/04/21 16:18] (current)
Luc Nieland
Line 1: Line 1:
 +  *[[hannibal:​start|Hannibal]]
 +  *[[picoenterprise:​start|PicoEnterprise]]
 +  *[[misc:​start|Miscellaneous]]
 ======Hannibal infrastructure====== ======Hannibal infrastructure======
 A blueprint for an open source, identity managed, unix based office-automation and business infrastructure. A blueprint for an open source, identity managed, unix based office-automation and business infrastructure.
start.1217430373.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2008/07/30 17:06 by Luc Nieland