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A blueprint for an open source, identity managed, unix based office-automation and business infrastructure.
The Hannibal is an architecture and documentation project. It consists of a carefully selected set of open source programs, which, put together and configured in the right way, can harmoniously form a very useful package of service for you or your organisation.
The Hannibal system-stack provides file/print/e-mail/web/etc. functionality with a single source of sign-on. It does this for all types of workstations (GNU/Linux, Apple MacOSX and Microsoft Windows). The fileserver offers the SMB/CIFS protocol using Samba, NFS, FTP and WebDAV. The mailserver provides SMTP/LMTP-services based on Postfix. Server-side mail filtering is available via Sieve. Virus and spam control is done by Amavis, Spamassassin and Clamav. Users can use their preferred MTA like Mozilla Thunderbird or Apple Mail to access their mailboxes via IMAP on the Cyrus-IMAP server. Hannibal also provides a webmail solution by means of Squirrelmail. The webserver provides HTTP via Apache (including HTTP-authentication and WebDAV folders). Most important, all authentication of this is done against a centralized LDAP environment (based on the Fedora Directory Server). The operating system we use is a genuine Debian GNU/Linux system. In a oneliner; all you need for your office automation and business infrastructure.
The best of it is that this is all done with open standards and open source software. No worries about vendor lock-in scenario's from suppliers or whatsoever.
Buy yourself an implementation and subsequent maintenance support from one of the certified Hannibal-system-stack partners, or build it with your own IT-staff. The choice is yours, experienced staff is more than useful, the technology is full-disclosure. Thanks to all open source developers!
Below is the outline of the Hannibal infrastructure. Each item represents a separate module. Normally each module corresponds with one physical server. As an alternative virtualization like Xen, KVM or User-mode-linux can be used. For instance, our laboratory is only one big physical machine that runs Xen. Some of our own considerations and documentation regarding Xen are available at the Xen section of this wiki.